Author Topic: HB Flux|Story of Flux and I  (Read 3580 times)

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HB Flux|Story of Flux and I
« on: July 01, 2016, 04:46:33 PM »
2nd July 1998,
The day, A child named Tom was born. The day, A great friend, A great player and supporter any community can have was born.
Tom AKA Flux(NTawalbeh) our head-admin was born. Flux always thought good for our community and our players.
Flux joined our community on 29 March 2014 At Exactly 2:53AM(PST)
It's been almost 3 years since I know him, I still remember where I met him first time. I was playing in BurnOut Paradise as Rcon and I met him.
I left that server later on and joined with GameR. And then I introduced Flux to GameR. And after few days GameR made Flux Admin Level 2.
And Ofc as Test Admin with threats to me lol. He didn't trusted anyone that time. But Flux proved to be one of the most loyal members over the years.

Since July 2014,
Flux and I had some ups and downs, Some fights, arguements, etc. Because of other people coming between or some personal reasons. But we never broke our bonds.
Flux and I always had eachother backed up. We made sacrifices alot of the times, But trust me. (IT WAS WORTH IT). Sometimes when shit went out of controls,
We dealt with it together.

30th June 2016,
Same thing happened, But it was something different. This time. A 12yo kid named Fade(Esy) came between us. And he just didn't come between us.

Little Reminder First:

When Fade's IG name was ESY. Flux used to hate him more than anyone. We all are witnesses of that. Flux wanted him removed immediately. GameR and I everyday tried to solve it,
But Flux just hated him. Flux couldn't even bare him in XGS chat And there was no way we could change it.

But Since June 2016,

I realized that Flux's new best friend was Fade. And not just best friend. Fade was his buddy. 24/7 they used to be together.

This time it was something different. Instead, "He changed Flux". Trust Me. No one knows Flux better then me. (It is impossible to change Flux, But Fade did it,
Some examples are. Before coming back to XGS when Youssuf was Co-Owner. I used to request Flux to play RP servers with me. And Flux strictly said that
he hated roleplay servers. "But Fade changed him" and on 27th June 2016 I got to know that Flux is busy playing RP with Fade. And Fade changed him so much that,
Fade made Flux ask GameR to change XGS from Freeroam to Role - Play. < This was the first thing I noticed which seemed really akward to me. Anyways I tried to ignore it,
But the truth was. I always felt weird talking to Flux from then.

Anyways On 13th June 2016,
Fade said something bad about someone really close to me. I won't go into details as it is personal.
And since then, I never liked Fade. TBH I never even did before. Since he turned out to be a cry baby and since when GameR got upset with him.
But after when he said. A little bit of place I had for him was completely destroyed. Still at that time he said that. I ignored him instead of starting a fight.
But later on. It got even worse. He looked poison to me. I couldn't bear him. So a fight started between me and fade. I told Flux, GameR and Ofc the most trusted person SirEpic.
GameR and Epic believed me. But like I said before, This time it was something different. It didn't felt like it was the real Flux I was talking to.
Because before if there was anything like this. He would rage immediately and fuck the bitch out of the other person who made me mad.
This time. Flux didn't react at all. Instead he asked Fade about it. And as you all can think. Mr. Fade said that I lied and he didn't said anything.
Thank god. I got the proof from Skype. I sent it to GameR and Epic. Both were there for me. But the person I needed most Flux was away.
Later on. I showed that proof to Fade and asked him if I was lying, Instead replying to me in PM. He created a group in which I, Flux and Fade was added.
I joined the call. And what I expected was Flux would take my side. Instead, Fade started making fun of me. And Surprisingly. Flux supported him.
(You guys can't imagine how that felt to me and how devestated I was. Not what Fade did. I didn't gave a fuck about Fade. Because he was already dead for me. The thing which hurted me the most was,
Flux was straightly taking his side. And didn't feel a single shit. I literally had some tears in my eyes.)
I got mad. Left the call. And explained to GameR and Epic. And no surprise both like always supported me Thank you for that you are my real bruhs and faxors <3 .
After that. I talked personally with Flux. After alot of arguement. It still didn't seem to change Flux's mind. And after a very very long time.
Flux agreed to Block and Remove Fade forever. And He did that later on.


Today (1st July 2016),
Flux messaged in XGS Admins Chat that he was leaving us.
I talked with him. Tried to relax him but idk if I was any use. He agreed to not leave.

The thing is. I don't know if I could ever be the same with him again. I appreciate all what he did for me. But It's just something different. I can't feel the old bond we had. Just something different.

Just something different. :(


I wish a very happy birthday to Flux.
Have a blast Man! C:
Flux you are one of the most important person for our community. Don't ever think of leaving again. Secondly, Don't let any kid take control of you and make you forget everything from the past.
May you have many more Amen.
I wish you once again from all the XGS Admins and Players.
Stay Blessed and never think that anyone hates you!.

Thank you C:

PS. Took me about 1hr 30 mins to write xD So Cyka Blyat all

Some Red
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 05:28:37 PM by NTawalbeh »

Offline ShenaniGangs82

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Re: HB Flux|Story of Flux and I
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2016, 05:31:47 PM »
This post made me cry almost :'( .

Thank You Ghost! :D


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Re: HB Flux|Story of Flux and I
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2016, 08:26:25 PM »

Offline Lokiz

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Re: HB Flux|Story of Flux and I
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2016, 11:01:23 PM »
This Post Make Me Cry

Btw....HB Flux!

Joining XGS Community =3/4/2016
Attained XGS VIP = 10/7/2016
Hired As XGS Admin Level 2 = 14/1/2017
Promoted to XGS Admin Level 3 = 27/4/2017
Promoted to XGS Admin Level 4 = 19/1/2018
Returned as XGS Admin Level 1 = 22/2/2022


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Re: HB Flux|Story of Flux and I
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2016, 12:36:21 AM »
Happy Birthday, Flux

Offline Rain

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Re: HB Flux|Story of Flux and I
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2016, 02:28:43 AM »
Great text red, i'm wordless.

Flux, happy birthday to you, now, you're a major (18 years old), and not a kid anymore, i hope you enjoy and have fun


Even if I got someone to armpit, I knew still, I am alone
I lost that beautiful flower and never got back
For me give your body
From front of me shed your blood
Infinite conditions I said
Alone to death I froze

Offline MadMaik

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Re: HB Flux|Story of Flux and I
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2016, 02:51:52 AM »
Nothing can stop the feel train ;-;
« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 04:07:29 AM by MadMaik »


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Re: HB Flux|Story of Flux and I
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2016, 02:55:46 AM »


Offline ShenaniGangs82

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Re: HB Flux|Story of Flux and I
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2016, 03:05:01 AM »
Thank You All So So Much! :D :D :D :D


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